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Advantages of Access Control Systems for Businesses

Access Control Installer in Metro Manila

Everyone wants to keep their businesses secure and thus, the need for an access control system. Unless yours is an office comprised of less than 10 employees where you might be just fine with locks, it is wise to install an access control system on your business premises.

Such a system will curb any security threats, giving you peace of mind. It is common to find an area in any business that needs to be restricted from customers.

There are other many non-commercial facilities that have embraced this access control technology, including hospitals, schools, universities, country clubs, government buildings, apartments and municipal buildings, just to mention a few.

These organisations understand that it is very important to keep the public from roaming freely in their facilities. Such a system will help determine who has permission to go where within the organisation, unlike in the case of traditional keys and locks.

There are many benefits of access control technology, including:

Helps restrict certain areas
There is no business that gives its employees full access to all the offices. For example, the human resource department stores every employee’s sensitive information and documents that are not supposed to be made public for all staff members to access. With access control keycards, the organisation can control who has access to that specific office.

Difficult to Duplicate
Anyone with bad intentions can easily duplicate a physical key and use it to gain access to your premises since it is not costly to acquire one. This will mean that you will be forced to change locks.

For how long can you keep up with that trend? It would be easier to get an access control system as if a key is lost; all that is needed is changing the codes and cancelling access of any lost keycard.

Goes Beyond Standard Doors
Access control can be used with more than just opening doors. You can use such technology to open barriers, turnstiles, motorised fences and parking gates. This will keep any intruders away from your workplace, making the environment safer for everyone.

Protect Valuables
If you have any valuables in your business that can fetch easy and quick money on the street, you will need to ensure it is securely stored in the office.

In case one of your employees decides to use their keycard for the wrong reason and steal these valuables, you will be in a position to know who exactly did that as these systems can be managed from any computer that is connected to your network. However, with a traditional key, it will be very hard to know who committed the theft.

Easily Record History of Entry
Apart from being able to revoke any privileges that come with your employees’ keycard, access control systems also record and store information regarding everyone who comes into the building.

As soon as an employee scans their card, the system is prompted to record the time, location and details of the person who accessed the building.

This will help the management in two ways. Firstly, you will be able to know if your employees get to work at the company’s stipulated time or they are always late and whether they leave at the right time.

Secondly, it will be easy to identify who had access to the building at what time in case you realise there was a case of burglary or vandalism. This will help you get hold of the culprit.

If you need to have an access control system installed at your workplace, contact us and we will be glad to do it.

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